Anette / Christian
slide-collage C-print
99 x 64 cm
2000 - 2005
During a reunion with my father in Prague, just before his 70th birthday, I asked him what he might like for a present, to which he answered, “Make me younger!” Thinking about how I might do this, the idea of a slide-collage self-portrait came to mind, which I immediately began working on. This first portrait from 2000 (scroll to bottom) became the inspiration for other portraits of family and close friends, partners and companions, which document relationships of an intimate nature. The staples gained particular significance, expressing the kind of intense bond which only grows from tempered, sometimes even painful experiences.

Dirk / Ingo
slide-collage C-print
99 x 66 cm

Self-portrait II
slide-collage C-print
24 x 18 cm

slide-collage C-print
99 x 63 cm
Family Portrait
A close friend and colleague of mine, Jerome Symons, has been a role model for me as a sculptor and artist, combining a productive and critical professional career with his choices concerning his private life: founding a family and standing by them. This dedication is expressed in the realisation of Family Portrait.

slide-collage C-print
99 x 66 cm
exhibition venues:
Galerie Löhrl Mönchengladbach, 2008
Museo Pecci, Prato, 2006
Galerie Martin Kudlek, Cologne, 2004